NB1™ Cellular Energy and Renewal

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NB1™: NAD Booster for Cell Health

Dive into a revitalised dimension of well-being with NB1™, meticulously crafted from over two years of rigorous research. This NAD boosting supplement for Cellular Health not only elevates and maintains NAD+ levels but also promotes cell renewal. 

NB1™ takes a top-down approach to cellular health, targeting root causes of NAD+ decline. Our formula focuses on cellular energy, renewal, and recycling. Unlike simple NAD precursors, NB1™ offers a comprehensive solution to the challenges of aging. It ensures optimal cellular metabolism and promotes efficient waste recycling, setting a new standard in cellular health support. 

Proudly manufactured in Australia and ARTG-Listed, NB1™ stands as your trusted ally in championing cellular health and renewal throughout the aging journey. Harness the transformative power of NB1™ and stride confidently on your path to a healthier aging experience.

      • Boost Cellular Energy: Replenish crucial NAD+ levels to combat fatigue and stay energised.
      • Promote Cellular Renewal: Aid in recycling cellular waste and support cellular repair.
      • Defend Cellular Integrity: Protect your cells from oxidative stress and shield your DNA from everyday stressors.



      Our Proprietary blend of formulated dosages of 10 highly-effective compounds in one daily serving

      • Nicotinomide Riboside (NR)

      While both NR and NMN are precursors to NAD, for NB, we utilise NR because it's an approved ingredient in Australia for domestic consumption, while NMN isn't.

      • Cysteine
      • Resveratrol
      • Quercetin
      • Berberine
      • Astragalus
      • Co-Enzyme Q10
      • Green tea extract
      • Cyanocobalamin
      • Levomefolate calcium

      See detailed summary of each key compound in the summary below.

      • Enhances and maintains NAD+ levels.
      • Made in Australia to the highest GMP standards in a TGA registered facility.
      • Registered with Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (AUSTL398233)
      • Take 4 capsules with water in the morning 30-40 minutes before food or as recommended by your health professional.
      • Each bottle contains a 30-day supply.
      • This product is intended for healthy adults. Consult with your physician before using if you are pregnant or nursing.
      • Do not exceed 4 capsules per day.

      Key Benefits of Daily Use

      NB1™ Cellular Energy & Renewal

      Increased Cellular Energy

      NB1™ replenishes crucial NAD+ levels, assists in combating fatigue, keeping you energised throughout the day
      NB1™ Cellular Energy & Renewal

      Promotes Cellular Renewal

      NB1™ aids recycling cellular waste and promoting cellular renewal and repair.
      NB1™ Cellular Energy & Renewal

      Promotes Cellular Defence

      NB1™ assist in protecting your cells from oxidative stress.

      Discover the Role of NAD+ in Your Health

      NAD+ is central to powering our cells and supporting essential processes.

      As we age, our NAD+ levels can diminish, with levels at age 60 potentially being half of what they were in our youth.

      This decline can influence our energy levels, leading to increased feelings of fatigue.

      NAD+ is also pivotal for the repair and renewal of our cells, crucial for maintaining overall health.

      Top-Down Approach to Cellular Metabolism with NB1™

      NB1™ is meticulously formulated to address the multifaceted challenges of cellular metabolism.

      Our unique blend of natural compounds aims to achieve two core objectives:

      1. Restoring NAD+ Levels (Cell Energy): NAD+ is a pivotal coenzyme for cellular energy production. By replenishing NAD+ levels, NB1™ ensures optimal cellular energy metabolism.
      2. Assisting in Recycling Cellular Waste (Cell Renewal): Efficient recycling of cellular waste is paramount for maintaining cellular health. Our formulation aids in the removal and recycling of waste products, fostering cell renewal and overall cellular well-being.

      NB1™ adopts a top-down approach to cellular health, addressing the multiple root causes of NAD+ decline. Our unique formulation considers the intricate metabolic pathways involved in cellular energy production, renewal, and recycling.

      Importantly, NB1™ goes beyond being a simple NAD precursor. While NAD+ precursors are essential, addressing the NAD+ decline associated with aging requires a more encompassing approach.

      NB1™ is designed to provide this all-encompassing support, ensuring optimal cellular metabolism and assisting in the efficient recycling of cellular waste.

      NB1™ targets these key hallmarks of ageing

      To better understand the effects of ageing, envision them as common experiences we face with time. Our NB1™ Cellular Energy & Renewal specifically targets these hallmarks, offering a solution grounded in science. Explore how NB1™ can address these signs of ageing in your life
      Cellular senescence

      Cellular senescence

      Experiencing more inflammation or slower healing? Inactive cells might be causing inflammation and delaying repair.
      Loss of proteostasis

      Loss of proteostasis

      Experiencing muscle weakness or memory issues? Faulty proteins might be affecting your muscle and brain functions.
      Genomic instability

      Genomic instability

      Ever noticed more frequent illnesses or unusual skin spots? Damaged DNA can increase the risk of diseases like cancer.
      Telomere attrition

      Telomere attrition

      Feeling like you're aging faster than your peers? Shortened telomeres might be accelerating your cellular aging.
      Epigenetic alterations

      Epigenetic alterations

      Ever wonder why you develop new allergies or sensitivities? Changes in gene patterns can lead to unexpected reactions.

      Our Key Compounds

      Our unique formulation considers the complex metabolic pathways involved in cellular energy production, renewal, and recycling, ensuring optimal cellular metabolism and assisting in the recycling of cellular waste. Our key Compounds comprise:
      NR (Nicotinamide Riboside)

      Function: Precursor to NAD+

      Description: NR is a vital nutrient that acts as a precursor to NAD+, an essential molecule that plays a crucial role in energy production, DNA repair, and cellular communication. By boosting NAD+ levels, NR supports cellular health and vitality.

      Both NR (Nicotinamide Riboside) and NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) have been spotlighted as significant precursors to NAD, a molecule vital for cellular energy and DNA repair. For NB, our choice is clear: we opt for NR. The reason is twofold. Firstly, NR is an approved ingredient in Australia for domestic consumption, whereas NMN is not. Secondly, recent interventions by the FDA in the United States have cast a shadow over NMN's availability. They've classified NMN as a potential drug ingredient, which has led to its restricted use in dietary supplements.

      • Function: Strong anti-inflammatory
      • Description: Resveratrol plays a pivotal role in triggering cellular regenerative mechanisms, offering anti-inflammatory benefits.
      Folate (5 - MTHF)
      • Function: Essential for DNA synthesis and repair
      • Description: 5-MTHF, the active form of folate, plays a pivotal role in various cellular processes, including the synthesis and repair of DNA, aiding in overall cellular health and function
      • Function: Strong anti-inflammatory
      • Description: Similar to Resveratrol, Quercetin aids in activating cellular regenerative processes and provides strong anti-inflammatory effects.
      Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)
      • Function: Vital for nerve function and energy production
      • Description:Cyanocobalamin is a crucial nutrient that helps maintain the health of nerve cells, aids in the production of DNA and RNA, and is involved in the process of making red blood cells. It's used to treat and prevent vitamin B12 deficiency, a condition that can lead to anemia and neurological issues. Cyanocobalamin converts in the body to the active forms of vitaminB12 which are necessary for various metabolic functions. Cyanocobalamin supplementation is particularly important for individuals who do not consume animal products
      • Function: Protects DNA
      • Description: Berberine enhances markers associated with cell senescence, offering a protective layer to DNA
      Green Tea Extract (ECGC)
      • Function: Inhibits NMPT
      • Description: ECGC counters the increase of NMPT that comes with age, aiding in the prevention of NAD+ recycling disruptions within cells
      • Function: Protects DNA
      • Description: Astragalus contributes to the elongation of DNA telomeres, further safeguarding DNA integrity
      • Function: Aids in the production of glutathione, the body's master antioxidant, which protects cells from oxidative damage and supports the immune system.
      • Description: Cysteine, a sulfur-containing amino acid, is integral to maintaining the structural integrity of proteins within cells and plays a pivotal role in various metabolic processes. Its antioxidant properties help safeguard cellular health by neutralizing free radicals and contributing to the synthesis and repair of DNA.
      Co Enzyme Q10
      • Function: Assists in the generation of Cell Energy
      • Description: Co Enzyme Q10 is integral in the production of ATP, a molecule vital for energy transfer within cells
      NR (Nicotinamide Riboside)
      Folate (5 - MTHF)
      Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)
      Green Tea Extract (ECGC)
      Co Enzyme Q10

      365 days with NB1™.

      Day One
      Day 365
      NB1™ Cellular Energy and Renewal